Google has stopped support for this version of the Google Gadget. Sorry!
You now can add the Emoticon of the day to your own website or Google Homepage. It so easy you only need to be able to copy and paste!Example's Google Gadget
Website code
Copy and paste the HTML below to include the Emoticon of the day on your own website. You will see the Emoticon as the example above.
Free Website Gadget
If you would like to include the Emoticon of the day with a different layout, visit Google Gadgets and follow the simple instructions to add the Emoticon of the Day Gadget to your site.You can view an additional working example of the Emoticon Google Gadget on one of my other websites.
Add to your Google Homepage
Click on the button to add the Emoface of the Day to your Google Homepage
Questions or comments
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or comments about the Emoticon of the day.Please note is not affiliated with Google in anyway.